• Brand:
  • Size 1:
    14mm x 250gm x 24 Packets
  • Size 2:
    14mm x 10kg x 1 Bag



Enrico’s Soyamate is textured vegetable protein (TVP) that is extracted from Soya Bean flour. Resembling meat, TVP is available in two forms namely chunk or mince. In addition to this, TVP is also available as flavored or unflavored mock meat. 

Enrico’s Soyamate is available at all hypermarkets, shopping centers, cash ‘n’ carry outlets and retail shops.

Soyamate using best Soya

Soya is an excellent source of high quality protein. It is low in saturated fats and is cholesterol free. Recent research has indicated that Soya which has many nutritional benefits has positive effects on health when it is consumed. These benefits include: 

  • High quality protein 
  • Low in saturated fats 
  • Cholesterol free 
  • Vegetarian food 
  • High fiber

Textured Vegetable Protein - Soyamate

Textured vegetable protein is basically defatted Soya flour which has been processed and dried to produce a substance that has sponge-like texture which may be flavored to resemble meat. 

Soya beans are dehulled and their oil extracted before being ground into flour. This flour is then mixed with water to remove soluble carbohydrate and the residue is textured by either spinning or extrusion. Extrusion involves passing heated Soya residue from a high pressure area to a reduced pressure area through a nozzle resulting in the Soya protein expanding. The Soya protein is then dehydrated and may be either cut into small chunks or ground into granules. 

Textured vegetable protein which resembles meat may be either flavoured or unflavoured. It is prepared simply by soaking it in water or stock and leaving to stand for a few minutes, after which it has to be squeezed dry before being cooked. The recipes to prepare a sumptuous textured vegetable protein dish are similar to any meat dishes. Besides this, textured vegetable protein is also available in other forms such as burgers, sausages, canned foods etc. As well as being a good source of fiber and high quality protein, Textured Vegetable Protein is fortified with vitamin-B12.

Soya Product | Soya Beans | Soyamate | textured vegetable protein

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